We can use your help with the event. You do not need know how to play golf! Various activities just require someone watching or moving things around.
The day begins around 9 am and goes until midnight. Can you help for a couple hours during the day? Email
[email protected] and let us know when you can be there.
A few of the positions needed:
Registration - Begins at 11:00 and ends at 1:00 PM
Hole-In-One Verification - We need two people on holes where prizes are being offered. One person at the Tee Box and one person at the hole. If the ball drops in on the first shot, the golfer wins the prize. We also need people to give these people a break. So we need 12-15 people just to cover the prize holes!
Dinner Registration - Help attendees check in for dinner. Typically around 4:45 pm - 6 pm
Silent Auction - Help bidders find their way around, and help pull bid sheets at end of auction and file according to bidder number. Typically around 6 pm - 9 pm
Check Out - Help bidders check out. Give total and take payment. Typically around 8:30 - 10 pm
Thanks again! If it wasn't for all the volunteers, this event wouldn't happen!