This is the page where we will keep you informed of all Alumni events (click on Alumni Events) and reunions. Please consider submitting a testimonial for our testimonial page. You never know, someone may connect with your story!
Like Us on Facebook where we keep current events and updates daily. Check out the Weekly News page to keep updated on current events and fundraisers. Chili's fundraiser is back - make sure to take a coupon with you!
Collect Box Tops, Shoparoo App, use the Shopping Express Gift Card Program to help the school without any out of pocket costs to you! See the Fundraisers section of the website to get more details!
Contact us on Alumni news, photos and reunions - We love to hear from you. Send us an email and add [email protected] to your safe list.
Fill out the form below. Alumni are a vital part of our school! Keep in touch with us and your contact information current so we can keep you updated on the events going on with our school. Whether its attending our annual Playday Golf Outing, going to the volleyball game to cheer on our athletes, walking in the Sauf und Spiel Parade, or volunteering your time and talent to help us grow the school.